11/20/2019 |
The project has from the beginning hidden behind "affordable housing." Does anyone actually believe the developers are going to keep the 90 affordable housing units as "affordable" after the ten year time limit? HELL NO. That is when the developer wi... read more
Chris Peet New Orleans
11/20/2019 |
There are so many reasons this project should not be allowed to proceed.
Federal regulations require you to identify if any of the properties are historic (listed in the National Registrar of Historic Places); to assess the effects the work... read more
Name redacted at request of author New Orleans, Louisiana
11/20/2019 |
As a home owner and 15-year resident of Bywater, I respectfully invite you to do a great service and visit the site in question. Bywater is a quaint, historic neighborhood of creole cottages and shotgun houses, both single and double. There are als... read more
katherine brown New Orleans
11/20/2019 |
The size and scope of this project in its current state is grossly out of proportion with the surrounding historic neighborhood. The city of New Orleans is in need of affordable housing, but this project is not the solution. Affordable housing should... read more
Elizabeth Wright New Orleans, LA
11/20/2019 |
I live at a block away on France and I agree with the entire neighborhood in saying I do not support the development of this luxury complex dressed as affordable housing.
stephanie tarrant new orleans
11/20/2019 |
They're just using "affordable housing" as a front to build more condos no one wants.
Jason Christopher New Orleans, LA
11/20/2019 |
I disappointed that city of New Orleans is considering the development of the limited green spaces in the city for housing, especially when juxtaposed with a perfectly suitable and larger abandoned lot just few blocks away at Poland and charters to ... read more
Jonathan Boyd New Orleans, LA
11/20/2019 |
As presently refigured, the project does not meet FEMA guidelines. It has substantially changed without a scope realignment. It will also need to be re-bid, with a minimum of three competent bids. Approval of the project as presently figured will ... read more
Sally KIttredge Reeves New Orleans
11/20/2019 |
I am writing in regards to the HANO/ITEX development that is currently under development at the corner of Royal and Mazant. While I am very much pro-affordable housing, I don't believe that this development ultimately benefits low income f... read more
Justin Dye New Orleans, LA
11/20/2019 |
I am writing to oppose the Mazant-Royal Housing Development for several reasons.
The original RFP for 56 units, including affordable housing units, was more appropriate for Bywater. However, this new development is now grossly out of scale for i... read more
Name redacted at request of author New Orleans, LA
11/20/2019 |
The scale is entirely inappropriate for the surrounding neighborhood. Narrow one-way streets are already riddled with potholes and parking is becoming scarce for residents - more vehicle traffic will make both worse. Too many residents for a small fo... read more
Name redacted at request of author New Orleans
11/20/2019 |
The scale of this development is out of sync with this historic neighborhood. This development will place nearly 400 residents and 100 extra vehicles in a very small block of an area with fragile infrastructure as it is. If all provisions for residen... read more
Troy Roth
11/20/2019 |
Jerame J. Cramer
FEMA Region 6
Louisiana Integration and Recovery Office
EHP Program Lead - Louisiana
1500 Main Street
Baton Rouge, LA 70802
Date: November 18, 2019
RE: Mazant-Royal Housing Development, Section 1... read more
Neighbors First for Bywater New Orleans, LA
11/20/2019 |
I live three blocks from the site (17 years) and operate a business adjacent to the site (8 years). This is an unfortunate situation for everyone nearby. We have witnessed the construction of the Saxony, a similarly sized building, (condos mainly u... read more
Peter Breen New Orleans, LA
11/20/2019 |
This project is too big for the scale of the neighborhood. Why did it have to change to get larger? Shouldn't we be constructing little houses as is in line with the rest of the neigborhood? I oppose
Name redacted at request of author New Orleans La
11/19/2019 |
I am strongly opposed the the density and overall design of this proposed build. I would like to see ALL affordable units at this site, within a building or buildings that fit within the historic neighborhood scale. The registered live oak trees on... read more
Name redacted at request of author New Orleans, LA
11/19/2019 |
I am writing to voice my concern about the proposed HANO/ITEX development in the Bywater neighborhood of New Orleans. Residents recognize the need for affordable housing and are happy to have more of it in our neighborhood, but we believe that--... read more
Julie Jones New Orleans
11/19/2019 |
The scale & design are not in keeping with our historic neighborhood. The Bywater is a neighborhood 15 blocks long & 5 blocks wide consisting of one and two family homes in a multitude of pastel and/or vibrant colors. The brown & white monolith will ... read more
Name redacted at request of author New Orleans, LA
11/19/2019 |
Dear FEMA,
As you know, our ecosystem in New Orleans is fragile. Covered in cement, starved for trees and other plants whose roots help the ground absorb and hold the water which keeps the sponge beneath our city buoyant, we are sinking. Thi... read more
Name redacted at request of author New Orleans
11/19/2019 |
As stated by other residents, this housing project is ill suited for this area of the Bywater. It's too large for this corner of the neighborhood. I live on one of the streets that will be a main thoroughfare and the traffic that the number of propos... read more
Michael Dill New Orleans, LA
11/19/2019 |
That park is prized public space in a neighborhood that needs public space. The trees alone, are reason enough to at least consider a redesign. Please do not cut the trees. The current inhabitants of the neighborhood depend on those trees. Do not let... read more
J Bernstein New Orleans, LA
11/19/2019 |
There are numerous reasons why this proposed development is not the right fit for this block in Bywater, which are detailed thoroughly throughout these comments. As a 20 year neighborhood resident and business owner, I can wholeheartedly encourage F... read more
Name redacted at request of author New Orleans
11/19/2019 |
My neighbors and I simply don't want this in our neighborhood.
Name redacted at request of author New Orleans, LA
11/19/2019 |
I am 100% AGAINST to the proposed development at 4100 Mazant and believe the entire matter to be a travesty. Original housing site here pre-Katrina (prior to Aug 29, 2005) had 26 units. New proposal includes 250+ units. Developer says that they canno... read more
Patrick Knudsen New Orleans, Louisianan
11/19/2019 |
The size and scale of this 4-story 136 apartment building in this Bywater area is not appropriate. It is too big anad too dense. Nothing like this has ever existed in Bywater.
This area should be redeveloped with low rise buildings in keepi... read more
Susan N Danielson New Orleans
11/19/2019 |
The size, scale and massing of the 4-story building in the context of a low-rise 19th Century urban landscape. Nothing like this has ever existed in Bywater.
· The building will include 136 units which will bring additional traffic to ... read more
Patricia S Bernstein New Orleans
11/19/2019 |
My concern is for legacy trees on this site. No matter the carbon offset calculation made by planting new trees, you cannot replace the legacy of time and scale of a legacy tree. And as the argument is made that the site was destroyed by the ravages ... read more
Name redacted at request of author San Francisco
11/19/2019 |
Too tall! Too dense! Will cause too much traffic in the area. Does not complement the other developments and housing in the area. More green space and less big buildings!
Don't trash the neighborhood. Build affordable housing that fits the n... read more
Name redacted at request of author 6 Crane Street
11/18/2019 |
Re HANO/ITEX site 4100 Royal St., New Orleans
Google Earth and HANO's own website show how inappropriate this proposed development is for the historic Bywater neighborhood. With little exception Hano's tabs for Housing and Communities show housin... read more
11/18/2019 |
The proposed HANO/ITEX mixed income development is incredibly out-of-scale with the adjacent one-story historic shotgun homes. While we are very supportive of affordable housing on this property, this massive structure with 136 apartments will have m... read more
Name redacted at request of author New Orleans
11/18/2019 |
While affordable housing on the lot would be great and the urgency is justified, the plans for this project are poor. The design does not interface with neighboring residents well and also could be better designed for the long term happiness of tenan... read more
Name redacted at request of author New Orleans
11/15/2019 |
I have lived in Bywater since 1973. At that time there was affordable housing on this site. It was made up of 2 story town homes and there were I think, about 60 or so units. There was green space and all of the trees that are there now were there. T... read more
john andrews new orleans
11/15/2019 |
My job is to find affordable rental units for persons experiencing homelessness in the greater New Orleans area. It takes an incredible amount of time to locate affordable units. HANO's affordable housing is not only beautiful but also well managed... read more
Pam Callahan NEW ORLEANS
11/15/2019 |
We need help to buy the houses that we been paying rent for the last 20 years. When the Landlord decides to sell they should give the resident who been living in their chance to buy it. And if they can't then sell to the highes bitter. I advocated fo... read more
Theophilus Moore New Orleans, La. 70125
11/14/2019 |
Faubourg Fats, The Fat Domino Neighborhood Improvement Association, requests your support of this redevelopment of the Mazant/Royal site in the Bywater. In post-Katrina New Orleans, it is a privilege to continue to ignore the impacts of inequitable r... read more
Faubourg Fats New Orleans, Louisiana
11/14/2019 |
The 9th Ward needs affordable housing. Since 2000, the average income of the once *redlined* neighborhood, has almost doubled from $38,240 to $62,418. The now-wealthy neighborhood that is benefitting from the blight that was created by Katrina needs ... read more
Name redacted at request of author New Orleans
11/14/2019 |
I am concerned about the use of public funds that will ultimately be used to increase profits for a privately held, out of state corporation. To maximize their profits, ITEX is proposing a development that in terms of both size and density is beyond ... read more
Name redacted at request of author New Orleans, LA 70117
11/13/2019 |
The Neighborhood Development Foundation requests your support of the Mazant/Royal Development in the Bywater project. It is essential that affordable rentals be available throughout the city, and that low income citizens not be pushed further away fr... read more
Neighborhood Development Foundatiuon New Orleans, LA
11/13/2019 |
The Lower 9th Ward Homeownership Association requests your support of this project. It is essential that affordable rentals be available throughout the city, particularly in neighborhoods that offer access to jobs and transportation. This not only he... read more
Lower 9th Ward Homeownership Association New Orleans, LA
11/13/2019 |
We are in full support of the Mazant/Royal 4-story, 136 unit development proposal being put forward by ITEX. Since 2000, the average income of the once redlined neighborhood, has almost doubled from $38,240 to $62,418, outpacing the average income of... read more
Name redacted at request of author New Orleans
11/13/2019 |
Please reconsider this project.
Long term impact of this decision has not been considered properly.
It will overpopulate an already over saturated culturally diverse uniquely New Orleans neighborhood.
Very short sighted ... read more
Name redacted at request of author New Orleans la
11/13/2019 |
I am so concerned about what is happening in my neighborhood - the plan will need to show how you will avoid the negative impacts from this type of structure that has never existed in our neighborhood before. Bringing in 130+ housing units will add ... read more
Name redacted at request of author new orleans
11/12/2019 |
This development is way too dense for Bywater and will negatively affect our quality if life. We have plenty of existing historic structures in need of restoration which should be pursued in an effort to provide affordable housing, not new constructi... read more
Name redacted at request of author new Orleans
11/12/2019 |
This project presents a number of serious concerns for the neighborhood.
1) we do not need more new housing, we need abandoned housing to be renovated.
2) this a predominantly 1-2 story neighborhood with mostly small buildings. A large devel... read more
Name redacted at request of author New Orleans, LA
11/12/2019 |
Those of us taking RTA Bus 5 nearest to the site must cross Chartres St.' already with heavy traffic at peak times.
Further the 4 story height is not in keeping the Bywater neighborhood.
Name redacted at request of author new orleans la
11/12/2019 |
Dear FEMA,
First off, thank you for your concern and funding of affordable housing in he 9th ward. It is long over-due and long time 9th ward residents desperately need this subsidy. I have attended many of the HANO/ITEX meetings and I can'... read more
Name redacted at request of author New Orleans, LA 7