3/14/2020 |
Before demolishing the House of Detention, I urge FEMA to consider allowing writers and photo documentarians access to the interior of the structure to capture its historical significance in our community. My organization is working to explore and cr... read more
Janet Hays New Orleans
3/13/2020 |
I'm writing to urge that the House of Detention be available to journalists, writers, historians, photographers, artists, and other interested parties to document before its destruction. The building is a repository of crucial historical importance ... read more
Zachary Lazar New Orleans, LA
3/13/2020 |
Please do not demolish this building without giving the public an opportunity to see it and without allowing artists, archivists, criminal justice organizers, and others to document it. While HOD has been out of operation for years, the impact it has... read more
Emily Ratner New Orleans, LA
3/13/2020 |
I urge decisionmakers to permit thorough documentation of the House of Detention before any potential demolition.
David Brazil New Orleans, Louisiana
3/12/2020 |
The House of Detention touched, and often fundamentally altered, the lives of thousands of New Orleanians through its decades of operation. To demolish it without allowing historians, journalists, photographers, and others as necessary, to record and... read more
Name redacted at request of author New Orleans, LA
3/4/2020 |
I cannot overstate the importance of preserving this historic structure and urge that it be repurposed as a safe place in which the conversation of justice reinvestment and community crisis intervention can occur. The House of Detention can continue... read more
Catherine Fontenot Baton Rouge,LA
2/29/2020 |
It's impossible to exaggerate the historical importance of completing a thorough Digital Recordation and Narrative History of the ten-story House of Detention (HOD) at 2735 Perdido Street in New Orleans, LA, per the requirements spelled out in the 20... read more
Lawrence N. N Powell Metairie
2/28/2020 |
Please consider a more thorough video and photo documentation of the interior of this historic building and a public process to better understand the influence of this building on the lives of everyday New Orleanians. I have written on the available... read more
Andrea Armstrong New Orleans, LA