3/29/2006 |
It has come to my attention that the Seventh Ward is not included in the list of New Orleans Histroical Districts. Please remedy this oversight.
Name redacted at request of author New Orleans, LA
3/28/2006 |
Comments sent separately by email to Ms Mary Neustadter as we have been unable to load them onto this site.
Thank you.
Holy Cross Neighborhood Association New Orleans, LA
3/28/2006 |
As one of the younger areas of our City, District 5 (Lake area and City Park area) is just reaching the age to have a historic content. As part of our Bring New Orleans Back process, District 5 has identified a number of properties that we believe s... read more
Bari Landry New Orleans, LA
3/28/2006 |
I would like to comment on a district I believe has been overlooked and one that should be included on this list of new districts. The area is around London Avenue in the 7th Ward portion of the city. This neighborhood is significant for the early ... read more
Sara S. Orton New Orleans
3/27/2006 |
I am fully supportive of the expansion and creation of historic districts in New Orleans. I would like to see better enforcement and adherence to historic district guidelines by city offices. Our preservable history is in large part in our architectu... read more
Name redacted at request of author New Orleans, LA
3/27/2006 |
New Orleans is its old buildings and historic architecture.That is what makes us unique and different and why tourists come here. The entire city should be a historic district. I am all for Historic Dictricts,their expansion and addition of new his... read more
Lloyd Sensat New Orleans, La.
3/27/2006 |
These buildings are recognized by music experts around the world as the most significant structures still standing that are connected to the origins of jazz. Before and At the turn of the 20th century, these buildings played a major role in the deve... read more
Name redacted at request of author New Orleans LA
3/27/2006 |
I also hope that there will at some point be a better effort to notify the public and solicit their opinions on the proposed expansion of the historic neighborhood boundaries. I live on the St. Bernard side of Onzaga, just outside of the current hist... read more
Heather H. Hall New Orleans, LA
3/24/2006 |
Some folks greatly interested in historic preservation have pointed out to me that our web site might be a very source of information for FEMA to use in assessing the cultural/historical value of various New Orleans neighborhoods. Our web site www.... read more
Allison Plyer New Orleans, LA
3/24/2006 |
In viewing the limited number of comments by residents or concerned parties listed at this site, it seems apparent that this is an ineffective method to invite public comment. There has been virtually no publication of this information, and thus no ... read more
Suzanne ONeill New Orleans, LA
3/17/2006 |
This is Cresent City Elks Bldg. It is the oldest Black Elk Blg. in New Orleans. I think the bldg. is 75 years old.
Leonetta Terrell Nedw Orleans, La
3/17/2006 |
I am again this becaue this is one of many tools that the power that be are using to keep Blacks out of New Orleans.
Name redacted at request of author New Orleans, La.
3/15/2006 |
The boundaries both existing and proposed for the Holy Cross (and Bywater) National Historic Districts seem disjointed and unwieldy for practical application of the benefits of this designation. It would seem more appropriate for overall goal to mak... read more
John Koeferl New Orleans, LA