DHS Seal - FEMA    
FEMA Section 106 Notices for Louisiana
"Public Notice Regarding Historic Review of Privately-Owned Residential Buildings Proposed for Demolition in Orleans Parish, Louisiana - (1) Buildings Not Eligible for the National Register (For Information Only)"
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FEMA Department of Homeland Security Seal

Public Notice Regarding Historic Review of Privately-Owned Residential Buildings Proposed for Demolition in Orleans Parish, Louisiana - (1) Buildings Not Eligible for the National Register (For Information Only)

(1) FEMA has conducted a survey of the properties proposed for demolition. In previous public notices, FEMA has requested the aid of the public in identifying if any of the buildings are of historic significance. In consultation with the Louisiana State Historic Preservation Office (SHPO), FEMA has determined that many of the buildings proposed for demolition are not eligible for the National Register. For informational purposes, the addresses of these buildings and a map of thier locations can be found below.

Location of Properties Proposed for Demolition are Ineligible for Inclusion on the National Register

Street Number Street Direction Street Name Zip Code Latitude Longitude
1516 Andry Street7011729.966244874-90.017096322
1523 Andry Street7011729.966272719-90.016979575
24471 Chef Menteur Highway7012930.122023767-89.764129776
7127 Deanne Street7012630.024416970-90.022758052
1342 Forstall Street7011729.965485891-90.020623447
1915 Lizardi Street7011729.970738459-90.017569833
2909-11 Louisiana Avenue7011529.940275270-90.097088799
7910 Mayo Boulevard7012630.037680698-90.007272132
10102 Old Gentilly Road7012730.014299503-89.967279787
4346WestPoche Court7012930.028151818-89.924142666
1500 Riviera Avenue7012230.008777588-90.076428408