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FEMA Section 106 Notices for Louisiana
"Public Notice Regarding the Section 106 Review and the Development of a Memorandum of Agreement for the Elevations and Wind Retrofits in the City of New Orleans, Louisiana under the FEMA 404 Hazard Mitigation Grant Program (HMGP) - Seeking Public Comment"
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FEMA Department of Homeland Security Seal

Public Notice Regarding the Section 106 Review and the Development of a Memorandum of Agreement for the Elevations and Wind Retrofits in the City of New Orleans, Louisiana under the FEMA 404 Hazard Mitigation Grant Program (HMGP) - Seeking Public Comment

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The high winds and heavy rains of Hurricane Katrina and the subsequent widespread flooding damaged many buildings in Louisiana. In the aftermath of the hurricane, the Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA) is issuing this Public Notice as part of its responsibilities under the Advisory Council on Historic Preservation's regulations, 36 CFR Part 800, implementing Section 106 of the National Historic Preservation Act of 1966, as amended. This notice applies to activities carried out by the FEMA 404 Hazard Mitigation Grant Program implemented pursuant to the Robert T. Stafford Disaster Relief and Emergency Assistance Act, 42 U.S.C. 5121-5206 and its implementing regulations, 44 CFR Part 206. The objective of the HMGP program is to accomplish long-term hazard mitigation measures that reduce the loss of life and property from future disasters. The Louisiana Governor's Office of Homeland Security and Emergency Preparedness has applied for FEMA funds to enable Orleans Parish to assist eligible recipients.

The City of New Orleans Government proposes to retrofit fifty-five (55) residences to provide protection against damaging winds and flooding that may occur in the future. The proposed project will elevate and/or wind retrofit fifty-five (55) residences to protect against flooding and sudden impact. FEMA has determined that these structures are contributing elements to National Register Historic Districts and, as such, are eligible for listing on the National Register of Historic Places. As proposed, the elevation and/or wind retrofit may constitute an Adverse Effect to Historic Properties under 36 CFR 800.5(a)(1). These properties are listed on table below and plotted on the accompanying map.
AddressStreetLatitudeLongitudeNational Register Historic District
212Audubon Blvd29.948279-90.116134Uptown NRHD
229Audubon Blvd29.948042-90.115419Uptown NRHD
344Audubon St29.931163-90.130785Uptown NRHD
1929Audubon St29.947724-90.11765Uptown NRHD
4152-54Clevenland St29.974135-90.102507Mid-City NRHD
4124-26Elba St29.951353-90.10295Broadmoor NRHD
3425General Pershing St29.944363-90.102476Broadmoor NRHD
2827General Pershing St29.93855-90.101874Uptown NRHD
2616Jefferson Ave29.93815-90.110661Uptown NRHD
2640Jefferson Ave29.938271-90.110639Uptown NRHD
2729Jefferson Ave29.939044-90.109874Uptown NRHD
2825Jefferson Ave29.939839-90.10965Uptown NRHD
2418Joseph St29.937718-90.113012Uptown NRHD
2507Joseph St29.938364-90.112277Uptown NRHD
2519Joseph St29.938557-90.112209Uptown NRHD
2616Joseph St29.939113-90.11244Uptown NRHD
2819Joseph St29.941153-90.111481Uptown NRHD
2821Josephine Street29.944314-90.087744Central City NRHD
1301Leontine St29.924419-90.112919Uptown NRHD
1301Lowerline St29.943943-90.123742Uptown NRHD
1740N. Broad Street29.981506-90.073068Esplanade Ridge NRHD
3120Napolean Ave29.941447-90.103899Broadmoor NRHD
3132Napolean Ave29.941544-90.10392Broadmoor NRHD
3312Napolean Ave29.943207-90.104027Broadmoor NRHD
3516Napolean Ave29.945308-90.104351Broadmoor NRHD
2200Napolean Ave29.932502-90.103029Uptown NRHD
3118Nashville Ave29.944221-90.111768Carrollton NRHD
2439Nashville Ave29.937943-90.113442Uptown NRHD
3100Octavia St29.943686-90.11023Broadmoor NRHD
3202Octavia St29.944626-90.110008Broadmoor NRHD
3320Octavia St29.945518-90.109761Broadmoor NRHD
2635Octavia St29.93849-90.111228Uptown NRHD
2800Octavia St29.940028-90.111208Uptown NRHD
2901Plamer Ave29.943849-90.113792Uptown NRHD
3439Palymyra St29.968817-90.095957Mid-City NRHD
2223Peniston St29.933234-90.097005Uptown NRHD
5343Pitt St29.925862-90.113058Uptown NRHD
5240Prytania St29.924549-90.111302Uptown NRHD
5321Prytania St29.925029-90.11256Uptown NRHD
5322Prytania St29.92474-90.112602Uptown NRHD
5326Prytania St29.924742-90.112764Uptown NRHD
5836Prytania St29.926016-90.118057Uptown NRHD
2709Robert Street29.938969-90.108018Uptown NRHD
1822-24S. Dupre St29.95092-90.102586Broadmoor NRHD
1827S. Dupre St29.951069-90.102937Broadmoor NRHD
4444S. Galvez St29.944516-90.104539Broadmoor NRHD
4930S. Galvez St29.944289-90.107194Broadmoor NRHD
4314S. Galvez St29.944732-90.102719Broadmoor NRHD
217S. Solomon Street29.974573-90.103408Mid-City NRHD
4320S. Tonti St29.946583-90.103024Broadmoor NRHD
4515S. Tonti St29.946607-90.105532Broadmoor NRHD
3231State Street Dr29.945838-90.112158Carrollton NRHD
3115Toulouse St29.972469-90.087939Parkview NRHD
3512Upperline Street29.945669-90.106857Broadmoor NRHD
1304Valmont St29.924271-90.112234Uptown NRHD

FEMA, in consultation with the SHPO and other consulting parties is developing a Memorandum of Agreement (MOA) to resolve any adverse effects of the Undertaking and thereby satisfy FEMA's responsibilities in accordance with Section 106 of the NHPA.

Any member of the public is encouraged to provide views on the development of the MOA. Comments can be submitted to FEMA for a 15-day period beginning on October 16, 2010 at http://www.crt.state.la.us/culturalassets/fema106/ or by regular mail.

Mailed comments should be sent to:
Louisiana Recovery Office
Historic Preservation - 4th Floor
1 Seine Court
New Orleans, LA 70114

If mailed, comments and requests must be physically received at this address by October 30, 2010.