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FEMA Section 106 Notices for Louisiana
"FEMA Semi-Annual Report on the Louisiana Hazard Mitigation Grant Program Programmatic Agreement (LA HMGP PA), Louisiana Transitional Recovery Office, dated January 31, 2013"
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FEMA Department of Homeland Security Seal

FEMA Semi-Annual Report on the Louisiana Hazard Mitigation Grant Program Programmatic Agreement (LA HMGP PA), Louisiana Transitional Recovery Office, dated January 31, 2013


FEMA is providing this report pursuant to Stipulation XV of the Louisiana State-Specific Programmatic Agreement Among the Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA); Louisiana Governor's Office of Homeland Security and Emergency Preparedness (GOHSEP);Louisiana State Historic Preservation Officer of the Department of Culture Recreation & Tourism (SHPO); Alabama-Coushatta Tribe of Texas (ACTT); Chitimacha Tribe of Louisiana (CTL); Choctaw Nation of Oklahoma (CNO); Jena Band of Choctaw Indians (JBCI); Mississippi Band of Choctaw Indians (MBCI);Seminole Tribe of Florida (STF); and the Advisory Council on Historic Preservation (ACHP) Regarding FEMA's Hazard Mitigation Grant Program (LA HMGP PA), executed January 31st, 2011.

The Jena Band of Choctaw Indians signed the LA HMGP PA on February 8, 2011. Tribes that are recognized as Participating Tribes in the document and have not yet signed the LA HMGP PA include: The Alabama- Coushatta Tribe of Texas (ACTT), the Chitimacha Tribe of Louisiana (CTL), the Choctaw Nation of Oklahoma (CNO), the Mississippi Band of Choctaw Indians (MBCI), and the Seminole Tribe of Florida (STF). These Tribes have still been consulted per the terms of the LA HMGP PA.

Other Consulting Parties who have signed the LA HMGP PA as Concurring Parties are the Office of Community Development-Disaster Recovery Unit, Calcasieu Parish, Jefferson Parish, Saint Tammany Parish, the City of New Orleans, and the Preservation Resource Center of New Orleans FEMA is producing this Semi-Annual Report in accordance with Stipulation XV which states: FEMA will prepare and distribute copies of its semi-annual reports for its actions to implement the LA HMGP PA on the last business day of January and July each year by e-mail to the Consulting Parties. The Semi-Annual Report will include, but not be limited to summary data on:

  1. The number of residential properties funded under the PTMs to date.
  2. The number of non-residential properties that went through the Standard Review process.
  3. Any adverse effects or potential adverse effects addressed through STMs or project-specific MOAs.
  4. Summary of public input fielded and outreach measures fielded during the six-month reporting period.
  5. Summary of the execution of STMs, PTMs and treatments under any project-specific MOAs.

In Accordance with Stipulation XV.C, FEMA is providing Consulting Parties 30 days to comment on the Semi- Annual Report. Comments should be addressed to Gail Lazaras via e-mail at gail.lazaras@fema.dhs.gov or via phone at 504-762-2133. If any relevant comments are received, FEMA may convene a meeting or telephone conference call of the Consulting Parties to discuss these comments within 60 days of submittal. If it is determined that a meeting is necessary, FEMA will further notify Consulting Parties.

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The summary data was extracted from internal tracking databases maintained by FEMA's Environmental and Historic Preservation Unit and HMGP Program as well as tracking sources from the Office of Community Development. The numbers and information provided in this report are applicable to the reporting time period of July 31, 2012 through January 31, 2013 unless otherwise noted. In some instances the reconciliation of projects takes several weeks. Therefore, FEMA has not received complete information that is reflective of all funding activities through January 31, 2013; this information will be captured in future reports.


Stipulation XV.B.i: The number of residential properties funded under Programmatic Treatment Measures to date

Projects funded under Programmatic Treatment Measures (PTM) include HMGP Limited Exception properties (including Pre-Effective Date and Grace Period Undertakings), Post-Grace Period Undertakings, and all residential properties submitted via Large-Scale Sub-Grantee applications.

The total number of projects funded under PTM as of November 31, 2012* is 641.

The number of projects funded under PTM since the last report, May 31, 2012 - November 30, 2012, is 8813

* The reconciliation process for projects funded under the PTM takes 6 - 8 weeks; therefore, FEMA is unable to report on projects funded through January 31, 2013. In the previous report, dated July 31, 2012, FEMA reported on projects funded through May 31, 2012; therefore, data from May 31, 2012 - November 30, 2012 is included in this report. The data for the remaining reporting period (November 30, 2012 - January 31, 2013) will be captured in a future report.

Stipulation XV.B.ii: The number of non-residential properties that went through the Standard Review process

The Standard Review process applies to Undertakings submitted through traditional applications, which include residential properties, commercial properties, private non-profit properties and all public properties that do not meet the criteria to be considered Pre-Effective date Undertakings or Archaeological Exclusion properties*. The Standard Review is used for Undertakings that do not meet the Programmatic Allowances set forth in the LA HMGP PA. FEMA HP reviewed a total of 13 Undertakings for non-residential properties using the Standard Review Process between July 31, 2012 and January 31, 2013.

* FEMA may also determine through consultation that a property of any Undertaking type located within, adjacent to, or within 100 meters of the boundaries of archaeological sites recorded with SHPO and that are labeled eligible or undetermined eligible will undergo Standard Review. These projects are reported separately starting on page 4 of this report under the heading; Stipulation IX Section 106 Review Procedures Specific to Archaeological Historic Properties, also known as Archaeological Exclusion Properties (AEXP).

Stipulation XV.B.iii: Adverse effects or potential adverse effects addressed through Standard Treatment Measures (STM) or project-specific Memorandum of Agreements (MOA)

The consultation and the development of an MOA to resolve the adverse effects resulting from the elevation of 2217 Yscloskey Highway began November 27, 2012 and continued through the reporting period. FEMA anticipates this MOA to be executed during the next reporting period.

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Stipulation XV.B.iv: Summary of public input and outreach measures

Per Stipulation XV.D, FEMA posted the July 31, 2012 Semi-Annual Report to the CRT website between August 1, 2012 and September 1, 2012 for public review and comment. No comments were received.

FEMA posted a public notice regarding the proposal to fund the elevation of 2217 Yscloskey Highway and the development of an MOA to resolve adverse effects to the CRT website between September 18, 2012 and October 2, 2012 for public review and comment. No comments were received.

See reporting under Stipulation XV.B.v for more information on the Programmatic Treatment Measures associated with Community Education and Outreach Measures (Stipulation XII.D.2).

Stipulation XV.B.v: Summary of the execution of Standard Treatment Measures (STM), Programmatic Treatment Measures (PTM), and treatments under any project-specific Memorandums of Agreement

FEMA addressed adverse effects to historic properties through STM for one Undertaking during the reporting period. The following outline summarizes these efforts:

STM for the Reconstruction/Elevation & Hardening of Eight (8) Sewerage Pump Stations, New Orleans, Louisiana; Photographic Recordation and Historic Narrative, submitted to consulting parties on 7/18/2012
FEMA has taken the digital photographs and completed the first draft of the historic narrative. The draft recordation package is scheduled to be delivered to the SHPO and other consulting parties in February 2013.
FEMA and GOHSEP addressed some adverse effects to historic properties through PTM and the following outline summarizes these efforts during the reporting period and/or to date:

PTM, Stipulation XII.D.1, SHPO Liaison Position
The Liaison has been working with FEMA, FEMA's contractor staff and the SHPO since February 2012 on the resurvey of existing National Register Historic Districts in New Orleans (PTM, Stipulation XII.D.4.b)

PTM, Stipulation XII.D.2(a), Interagency Agreement between SHPO and GOHSEP

The Interagency Agreement between GOHSEP and SHPO received approval from the Office of Contractual Review on August 13, 2012. The summaries of Stipulations XII.D.2(a) and (b), below, describe the actions taken to implement this agreement.

PTM, Stipulation XII.D.2(a), Community Education, Outreach & Preservation Workshops for Built Environment and Archaeology Programs

SHPO is in the process of developing the Historic Preservation Workshops. SHPO is currently purchasing the server required to house and make publically available the data resulting from this endeavor.

PTM, Stipulation XII.D.2(b), Update State Multi-hazard Mitigation Plan to include information on cultural resources and historic preservation topics.

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GOHSEP presented the proposed course of action to the State Hazard Mitigation Planning Team at the annual Hazard Mitigation Plan Maintenance Meeting on February 23, 2012, along with a sample of content for the amendment. The decision was made to amend the current State Plan by the addition of an appendix containing the cultural and historic information called for under this Stipulation of the LA HMGP PA. When the next required, official update of the State Plan is completed in 2014, the cultural and historic preservation information will be included in appropriate places throughout the Plan. GOHSEP has since refined the appendix that will appear as an amendment to the current Plan, and has modified the draft of the State Plan that will incorporate cultural and historic preservation information for the pending Plan Update. GOHSEP and SHPO met on August 21, 2012 to discuss SHPO's recommendations for the Appendix and the 2014 Plan Update. In coordination with SHPO, GOHSEP is currently finalizing the draft of the Appendix. Once the draft is complete it will be sent to the Consulting Parties as well as to the Hazard Mitigation Planning Team for review and comment.

PTM, Stipulation XII.D.3, Analysis and Reporting of Existing Archaeological Collections for Outreach Materials

As previously noted in the July 31, 2012 report FEMA encountered some unexpected challenges in analyzing some of the collections identified within the LA HMGP PA. A quick summary of these challenges was that: 1) a few of the collections were not in an analysis-ready state as was assumed during the negotiation of the Programmatic Agreement, 2) due to lack of associated written field notes, analysis would be severely limited, and/or 3) FEMA and its contractor were having trouble taking possession of the materials. Per the LA HMGP PA, FEMA is obligated to analyze and report on 11 existing excavated archaeological collections not to exceed a maximum of 430 boxes of materials. However, the LA HMGP PA allowed flexibility on what the final collections for analysis would be. FEMA had further discussions with SHPO, Tribes and the ACHP on October 11, 2012 to determine the final 11 collections which are summarized below.

Prehistoric Collections
The six Prehistoric collections include: 1) the WPA excavations at the Tchefuncte site, 2) the Louisiana Archaeological Society excavations at the Tchefuncte site, 3) the WPA excavations at Lafayette Mounds, 4) the WPA and CWA excavations at the Little Woods site, 5) the artifact collections from the 1975 excavation at Bayou Jasmine, and 6) the midden and feature samples from the Bayou Jasmine collection. Analysis of faunal remains, bone tools and lithic artifacts from the Tchefuncte and Bayou Jasmine sites is underway. There are an estimated 4-6 weeks of analysis remaining on those materials. Classification of prehistoric ceramic artifacts from all six collections is completed, with the exception of items undergoing specialized analyses. The write-up of the pottery from all six collections is in progress, including production of artifact figures for the report. Summaries of excavation methodologies for each of the six collections, beginning with the Little Woods sites, are being drafted. These drafts include site plans and profiles to accompany the summaries. Curation of the collections has progressed as far as practical, but the remaining curation tasks will not be completed until completion of analysis and artifact photography.

Historic Collections The five historic collections include 1) Costa, 2) the Dufour-Baldwin House, 3) Spanish Fort, 4) 400 Chartres Street and 5) the 400 Chartres Street soil samples. Because of the

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size and extent of the analysis required, it was decided that the flotation samples from the 400 Chartres Street excavations would be considered the fifth collection. Field notes, photographs, and other supporting documentation were located and turned over for the Costa site, and for 400 Chartres Street. No field notes were located for the Dufour- Baldwin house excavations or for the 1976 Spanish Fort excavations.

All artifacts in the collections have undergone preliminary analysis and have been entered into an Access™ database. Specialist analyses include determining the minimum number of vessels for the ceramics and the glass at each of the sites. These are completed for the Dufour-Baldwin House, and are underway for the Costa and Spanish Fort sites. Identification, preliminary analysis, and data entry for all faunal remains from Spanish Fort, Dufour-Baldwin, and 400 Chartres Street are complete. All of the 10-liter flotation samples from 400 Chartres Street are processed, and most of the macro-botanical and wood remains have been analyzed and recorded. In addition, the small finds have been preliminarily processed and recorded; the non-botanical remains from the flotation samples will undergo further identification and data entry into the primary Access™ database.

Historic research is in process, and detailed specific historic contexts for all of the sites are underway. Report writing also is underway, with chapters on the archeological context of New Orleans, the research design, the project methods, and ceramic typologies in progress.

PTM, Stipulation XII.D.4.a, Digitization of Standing Structures Surveys and National Register Files

Scanning of the available National Register files is complete. Approximately 48,000 Standing Structure files have been scanned to date, representing approximately 244,772 pages. Approximately 78% of all parishes have been completed.

PTM, Stipulation XII.D.4.b, Resurvey Existing National Register Historic Districts

Resurvey of six of the seven National Register Historic Districts (NRHD) is complete including: South Lakeview, Gentilly Terrace, Esplanade Ridge Extension, Holy Cross & Extensions, Irish Channel, and Bywater & Extensions. Resurvey of the Uptown NRHD began in July 2012. Recommendations regarding geographic and temporal boundary alterations will be submitted following the end of field survey.

PTM, Stipulation XII.D.4.c, Prepare National Register District Nomination for Edgewood Park

FEMA received comments from the State National Register Coordinator during the previous reporting period and is currently revising the nomination to incorporate their comments.

PTM, Stipulation XII.D.4.d, Archaeological Testing of Parks

Fontainebleau State Park: Following Phase I artifact analysis, Phase II National Register testing and Evaluation was completed at Sites 16ST86 and 16ST232 within Fontainebleau State Park. The analysis of the artifacts recovered during Phase II investigations is largely complete, as is the historical background research for the park. The writing and production of a combined Phase I/II draft report for submission to the

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FEMA and the Louisiana Division of Archaeology are anticipated during the next reporting period.

City of New Orleans Parks: To date, 26 parks have undergone Phase I archeological survey; this represents approximately 70 acres. Over 30,000 artifacts were recovered while shovel testing at these 26 locations. Ten more parks are scheduled for survey while analysis on a subset of the recovered material from the initial parks is ongoing.

New Orleans City Park: Phase I testing at New Orleans City Park is complete and background research continues. Approximately 162 acres were tested; cultural materials were recovered from 13 areas. Artifact analysis of the cultural materials recovered as a result of the Phase I testing are complete. Two loci were recommended for additional Phase II testing and Phase II fieldwork has begun at 16OR19 (Spanish Fort/Fort St. John).

Stipulation IX: Section 106 review procedures specific to archaeological historic properties, also known as Archaeological Exclusion Properties (AEXP)

AEXP are defined as properties located within, adjacent to, or within 100 meters of the boundaries of an archaeological site recorded with SHPO and that is previously determined as NR-eligible or of undetermined eligibility. The following table provides a summary of FEMA's efforts to identify, evaluate, assess and treat effects for AEXP for the reporting time period. The total number of properties identified as AEXP as of January 31, 2012 is also included for reference.

Description # of
Date(s) of FEMA
Response from
Consulting Parties, if
IX.D.1 Total number of properties identified as AEXP as of 1/31/2013 143 Identified during previous reporting periods n/a
IX.D.1 Number of AEXP identified within the reporting timeframe 0 n/a n/a
IX.D.1 AEXP previously identified and then removed due to errors in location information 0 n/a n/a
IX.F Finding of No Historic Properties Affected n/a n/a n/a
IX.H Finding of No Adverse Effect n/a n/a n/a
IX.I Strategies to avoid or minimize Adverse Effects n/a n/a n/a

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Description # of
Date(s) of FEMA
Response from
Consulting Parties, if
IX.J Finding of Adverse Effect 2 10/30/2012 SHPO and Tribes concurrence

Stipulation II.G: Update to Contact Information

FEMA was not notified of any changes to the name, address, e-mail address or phone number of respective Consulting Party point-of-contact since the last reporting period.

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