DHS Seal - FEMA    
FEMA Section 106 Notices for Louisiana
"Public Notice NEPA/NHPA1
Seeking Public Comment for Privately-Owned Residential Buildings
Undergoing Eligibility Review for FEMA-Funded Demolition in Orleans Parish, Louisiana
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FEMA Department of Homeland Security Seal

Public Notice NEPA/NHPA1
Seeking Public Comment for Privately-Owned Residential Buildings
Undergoing Eligibility Review for FEMA-Funded Demolition in Orleans Parish, Louisiana

Approximate Location of Proposed Demolitions
Approximate Location of Proposed Demolitions
Pursuant to the terms of the federal arbitration agreement between The City of New Orleans and FEMA, the City has submitted approximately 608 properties that were severely damaged by Hurricane Katrina and subsequent flooding for review to determine whether they are eligible for FEMA-funded demolition. Inclusion in the eligibility list does not mean that a property will be demolished. All properties will proceed through administrative hearings prior to final actions being taken and some properties may be sold or remediated in the interim.

Federal regulations require FEMA, as the funding agency, to identify if any of the buildings submitted for review are historic (eligible for the National Register of Historic Places); to assess the effect the demolition will have on historic properties; and to seek ways to avoid, minimize, or mitigate any adverse effects.

FEMA seeks your input to determine if any of these 608 buildings submitted for review by the City of New Orleans (listed below) are historic, or eligible for listing in the National Register of Historic Places.

Anyone who has specific, documented evidence of a property's association with historic events or people is encouraged to provide this information to FEMA by December 24, 2014.

Comments can be posted at: http://www.crt.state.la.us/culturalassets/fema106/ (this web site)
Or mailed to:
FEMA Mail Center/Historic Preservation
1500 Main Street
Baton Rouge, LA 70802

All comments must be posted or postmarked by December 24, 2014

NOTE: This list has been compiled using the best information available; however the status of these buildings is continually evolving. Not all of these buildings will complete FEMA-funded demolition.


1The high winds and heavy rains of Hurricanes Katrina and the subsequent widespread flooding damaged many buildings in Orleans Parish, LA. In the aftermath of the hurricane, the FEMA is issuing this public notice as part of its responsibilities under the Advisory Council on Historic Preservation's regulations, 36 CFR Part 800, implementing Section 106 of the National Historic Preservation Act of 1966, as amended (NHPA). This notice applies to activities carried out by the Public Assistance (PA) program implemented under the authority of the Robert T. Stafford Disaster Relief and Emergency Assistance Act, 42 U.S.C.§§5152-5206. FEMA is also required to (a) integrate the requirements of the National Environmental Policy Act (NEPA) with other planning and environmental review procedures required by law or by agency practice; (b) encourage and facilitate public involvement in decisions which affect the quality of the human environment (c) use the NEPA process to identify and assess the reasonable alternatives to proposed actions that will avoid or minimize adverse effects of these actions upon the quality of the human environment; (d) use all practicable means, consistent with the requirements of NEPA and other essential considerations of national policy, to restore and enhance the quality of the human environment and avoid or minimize any possible adverse effects of their actions upon the quality of the human environment.


Privately-Owned Residential Buildings Proposed for Demolition in Orleans Parish, Louisiana
2215 Lasalle St70113-90.08665249429.940486699
2009 - 2011 1st St70113-90.08528699429.936400666
2012 - 2014 4th St70113-90.08793526529.935016962
2220 - 2222 First St70113-90.08682219629.93813608
2215 - 2217 Terpsicore St70113-90.08348391229.94266403
2309 - 2311 Washington Ave70113-90.09032986729.936999803
2613 - 2615 Martin L King Blvd70113-90.08525835929.94498852
2219 - 2221 Terpsicore St70113-90.08348391229.94266403
1927 Washington Ave70113-90.0881540829.934067398
2013 3rd St70113-90.08693437429.935536639
2424 - 2426 Philip St70113-90.08767754229.94047244
2904 - 2906 4th St70113-90.09328339329.942136135
2914 Josephine St70113-90.08864235529.945010432
2010 St Andrew St70113-90.08207174829.939037379
2445 1st St70113-90.08820636129.940360953
1821 2nd St70113-90.08492020129.934210827
2513 - 2515 Clara St70113-90.09127040429.942053653
2223 - 2225 St Andrew St70113-90.08339302929.940566046
909 Wagner St70114-90.03990825729.945916736
42 Pinewood Ct70114-90.02285714429.931717231
3319 Lamarque St70114-90.0208372429.941407836
913 Odeon Ave70114-90.02237848429.945525699
1028 L B Landry Ave70114-90.04066323329.944305061
2632 - 2634 Marengo St70115-90.09978680329.937209181
4124 Lasalle St70115-90.09999609429.934434412
2921 - 2923 Louisiana Ave70115-90.09699537829.940559056
2225 Peniston St70115-90.09707352729.933562509
1824 6th St70115-90.08905683929.932337882
2929 - 2931 Amelia St70115-90.09839113229.940233568
2418 General Taylor St70115-90.09877741829.9350561
2733 - 2735 Peniston St70115-90.09835059929.938244453
3501 - 3503 Freret St70115-90.09680027829.936082715
2820 - 2822 Louisiana Ave70115-90.09738124529.939543572
2416 Amelia St70115-90.0970981329.935200959
2500 General Taylor St70115-90.09886715429.935732643
2521 - 2523 Cadiz St70115-90.10526184429.935635348
4419 Willow St70115-90.10406310129.939277389
4429 - 4431 Willow St70115-90.10432453629.939256002
824 N Prieur St70116-90.07491144829.967042685
816 N Prieur St70116-90.07491072629.966828194
2118 N Villere St70116-90.05783598429.971396004
917 N Villere St70116-90.0702345229.964879283
1831 St Ann St70116-90.07409055429.96600376
2327 - 2329 Pauger St70116-90.06060213829.974069739
2423 - 2425 Pauger St70116-90.06067044629.974992075
1604 N Claiborne Ave70116-90.06518803329.972569316
1927 Dumaine St70116-90.07418315629.96747982
1814 - 1816 Dumaine St70116-90.07348919129.96627449
1918 Onzaga St70116-90.06823416129.975415398
1505 Delery St70117-90.00608661929.962759543
721 Jourdan Ave70117-90.02630048829.959724762
1406 Reynes St70117-90.0214977729.965767988
1629 Alabo St70117-90.01092306729.966173553
2301 Tennessee Ave70117-90.01873036429.975188511
5626 N Tonti St70117-90.01109189529.973096446
1439 Andry St70117-90.01698480529.965560435
2514 - 2516 N Galvez St70117-90.05016996729.978840628
3319 N Tonti St70117-90.03730842529.979557796
6017 Urquhart St70117-90.01073678829.962241894
927 St Maurice Ave70117-90.01063088129.95783591
1229 Egania St70117-90.01880623629.9637539
1417 Delery St70117-90.00629509429.962346395
4524 N Robertson St70117-90.02876420929.968199705
2643 Almonaster Ave70117-90.04466791729.985153332
1023 Tricou St70117-90.00924240329.958366918
1401 Andry St70117-90.0172360529.964826755
2005 St Maurice Ave70117-90.00564250229.968279543
3318 N Derbigny St70117-90.03935180929.972731995
709 Flood St70117-90.01792018129.957640881
6232 - 6234 Dauphine St70117-90.01072596329.956099683
3114 Urquhart St70117-90.04328032729.969345192
2300 Gallier St70117-90.03614703329.979117071
1925 - 1927 Almonaster Ave70117-90.0471758829.977693146
2421 - 2423 Eads St70117-90.04729487729.982877624
6112 - 6114 Urquhart St70117-90.0099921729.961308411
1007 St Maurice Ave70117-90.01030577129.958490436
1201 Gordon St70117-90.0114963229.961190884
1638 - 1640 Spain St70117-90.05392372429.974727753
1316 Reynes St70117-90.02163649529.964996537
1520 St Maurice St70117-90.00836616629.963893368
1731 - 1733 Charbonnet St70117-90.01145125129.967498874
2240 Port St70117-90.04567610229.98104139
1125 Delery St70117-90.00774560729.959404263
1223 Flood St70117-90.01607582829.962813591
1129 - 1131 Forstall St70117-90.02099970129.963240858
1026 - 1028 St Maurice Ave70117-90.01073270729.958945185
6307 Dauphine St70117-90.01038249629.956251667
2616 N Miro St70117-90.04783762429.980045711
1230 Delery St70117-90.00774988429.960381574
1320 - 1322 Gallier St70117-90.03912447729.969129322
1331 Delery St70117-90.00651754129.961862625
1534 Piety St70117-90.04039573329.971889372
1235 Delery St70117-90.00730363929.960240974
2541 N Miro St70117-90.04954233329.980414462
1336 Alabo St70117-90.01241870829.963419458
3521 - 3523 N Roman St70117-90.03683660429.973805658
1506 Deslonde St70117-90.02296051429.967344837
1509 Tennessee St70117-90.02143186729.967123269
2331 N Derbigny St70117-90.05406822229.975038601
1501 - 1503 Flood St70117-90.01523002129.965476501
1816 Independence St70117-90.03601797229.973906176
1904 Alabo St70117-90.01059450629.968964562
1943 Alabo St70117-90.00983414929.969542819
1923 Feliciana St70117-90.0421907229.976473423
2129 Andry St70117-90.01466961229.972632968
2139 Franklin Ave70117-90.04809330629.980147889
1929 St Maurice St70117-90.00596397229.967709237
2036 Almonaster Ave70117-90.04750751129.978991747
2042 Delery St70117-90.00393711529.968415623
2232 - 2234 Flood St70117-90.01317550429.973486911
2312 Tupelo St70117-90.00580741229.97205387
1816 St Maurice Ave70117-90.00694425729.966924299
2416 St Maurice Ave70117-90.00407631829.972708879
2130 Congress St70117-90.03574236429.977463085
2238 Reynes St70117-90.01830935229.974801439
1736 - 1738 Independence St70117-90.03625487329.973133193
2327 - 2329 Desire St70117-90.0363785829.979669796
2500 Clouet St70117-90.03998709729.982190838
2515 N Claiborne Ave70117-90.04979024629.97435271
2321 - 2323 Tupelo St70117-90.00519227829.972114353
2418 Feliciana St70117-90.04108700529.981769335
2512 St Maurice Ave70117-90.00365085129.973578944
2916 N Rocheblave St70117-90.04457654929.981798572
3318 - 3320 Law St70117-90.03654909329.982089992
2725 - 2727 Marais St70117-90.04815181729.969682854
406 St Maurice Ave70117-90.01321514129.953222444
2443 Louisa St70117-90.03789012429.981483735
4807 - 4809 N Claiborne Ave70117-90.02292075629.968556172
1333 - 1335 Feliciana St70117-90.0443730329.970145227
5205 St Claude Ave70117-90.02017461329.962581164
5328 Burgundy St70117-90.01960636429.959593363
5419 N Miro St70117-90.01422088629.973118306
5726 N Derbigny St70117-90.01214542929.966689572
2435 - 2437 Desire St70117-90.0360201829.98088238
5217 St Claude Ave70117-90.01991151329.962524475
5424 N Miro St70117-90.01421717129.97270477
5759 Dauphine St70117-90.01432430829.957567911
5605 - 5607 Dauphine St70117-90.01649991629.958055529
6214 N Derbigny St70117-90.0069576529.964881746
622 Forstall St70117-90.02303618529.957921395
5905 Marias St70117-90.01242165629.961594796
707 Lizardi St70117-90.02171355529.958325445
832 Flood St70117-90.01776255929.958992183
828 - 830 Lizardi St70117-90.02158701329.959673468
911 Deslonde St70117-90.02459460929.961159359
2140 Reynes St70117-90.01862472229.973898261
933 Deslonde St70117-90.02449543929.961638682
2220 Delery St70117-90.00306331729.97023429
1228 - 1230 Alabo St70117-90.01264120529.961785445
937 - 939 St Maurice Ave70117-90.01082209229.958037744
3117 N Dorgenois St70117-90.03934811729.98205638
3525 - 3527 N Tonti St70117-90.03520052129.97902499
1613 Delery St70117-90.00545382529.964087047
5705 N Johnson St70117-90.0114301929.97026645
1527 Benton St70117-90.01095248429.965036216
1305 Gordon St70117-90.01103092229.962230585
1445 Lamanche St70117-90.01324373629.964734918
1319 Alabo St70117-90.01194353529.962845848
2416 Flood St70117-90.01262275729.975226855
5323 - 5325 N Villere St70117-90.01836582729.964985794
5826 N Galvez St70117-90.00998934829.970589957
1130 Reynes St70117-90.02223620129.963573629
707 Flood St70117-90.01797443629.957476708
1820 St Maurice Ave70117-90.00682001529.967007425
1440 Reynes St70117-90.02122002929.966618082
907 Lizardi St70117-90.02108916529.960255314
1340 Reynes St70117-90.02157097629.965559491
408 St Maurice Ave70117-90.0131781229.953304878
418 St Maurice Ave70117-90.0132753229.953452758
436 Tupelo St70117-90.01406805529.954177176
939 - 941 Tricou St70117-90.00959059229.957737663
929 - 931 St Maurice Ave70117-90.01059652129.957905744
1205 Egania St70117-90.01913928729.963139703
1216 - 1218 Gordon St70117-90.01174111929.961326465
2344 Congress St70117-90.03508808829.979719961
922 Deslonde St70117-90.02487293629.961318881
5818 N Claiborne Ave70117-90.01215051429.965167018
2265 - 2267 N Claiborne Ave70117-90.05513424329.973943011
5820 - 5822 N Rampart St70117-90.01360570829.959263814
5973 - 5975 N Galvez St70117-90.00762901329.970130266
741 - 743 Bartholomew St70117-90.03630014329.962344473
5439 N Rocheblave St70117-90.01291929429.975134814
1350 Tennessee St70117-90.02244914329.965899665
3120 N Johnson St70117-90.04101352429.97662312
1323 Delery St70117-90.00686903229.961661678
2604 Law St70117-90.05209495129.984113643
2914 - 2916 Live Oak St70118-90.12700369529.968734511
8721 Apricot St70118-90.12280228829.963412651
8915 Forshey St70118-90.12057817329.968192448
9017 - 9019 Pear St70118-90.11447844929.975322476
9110 Pritchard Pl70118-90.12530290329.966496178
8318 - 8320 Forshey St70118-90.11594951229.964129846
8816 Belfast St70118-90.12445746929.963154936
2817 - 2819 Joliet St70118-90.12038034129.961936589
9131 Fig St70118-90.12467256929.967562462
3624 General Ogden St70118-90.11764701429.970433781
1809 - 1811 Hamilton St70118-90.13320882429.958431919
3200 Hamilton St70118-90.12265538329.96856685
3429 - 3431 Monroe St70118-90.11724202429.967644799
3716 General Ogden St70118-90.117026929.971051432
8920 - 8922 Pear St70118-90.11416730129.974317779
3600 Monroe St70118-90.11639691129.968815347
2909 Live Oak St70118-90.12695230129.96849872
8835 Nelson St70118-90.12611874329.962140558
9018 Colapissa St70118-90.12276329429.967172642
1662 - 1664 N Dorgenois St70119-90.07263305829.979380328
2920 - 2922 Banks St70119-90.09275587229.964574904
1827 N Miro St70119-90.06634887129.979401177
2429 St Ann St70119-90.0793276729.969593186
2808 - 2810 Dumaine St70119-90.08342106429.973084452
2801 St Ann St70119-90.08369719629.972488365
2613 - 2615 St Peter St70119-90.08209234329.969736997
2801 - 2803 Orleans Ave70119-90.08414587529.971988844
320 S St Patrick St70119-90.10471437529.98069279
1662 N Miro St70119-90.06987419229.977442202
1830 N Miro St70119-90.06622307329.978972585
523 S Telemachus St70119-90.10043763829.968142394
217 S Rocheblave St70119-90.0862000429.962812225
2517 - 2519 Banks St70119-90.08750052729.961774468
2145 - 2147 Law St.70119-90.059765876229.9836487388
1862 Industry St70119-90.06584440229.986063179
2414 George Nick Connor St70119-90.06879545229.981454175
2741 St Anthony Ave70119-90.0626358129.985390891
1961 N Tonti St70119-90.06424689329.980609772
2050 N Rocheblave St70119-90.06311531629.981130735
2220 - 2222 St Anthony St70119-90.06245780229.979641357
2754 St Ann St70119-90.08373867629.972022467
2729 Bienville St70119-90.08632874929.968010213
3106 Republic St70119-90.07073772229.989244175
1568 - 1570 N Rocheblave St70119-90.07278987929.977077817
1524 N Tonti St70119-90.07260932429.975699749
3522 Pauger St70119-90.06211860829.986293915
1721 N Galvez St70119-90.06626441929.978283011
2305 Iberville St70119-90.08232809829.963907892
3009 - 3011 Pauger St70119-90.06119113829.980798458
2205 - 2209 Ursuline St70119-90.07498491829.970390416
1732 N Rocheblave St70119-90.07069346229.979780459
817 - 821 N Rocheblave St70119-90.07964351329.969760346
3417 Havana St70122-90.06942124329.992611884
2647 - 2649 Abundance St70122-90.04770046129.98968563
5013 Cartier Ave70122-90.0790414530.008469668
6124 Mandeville St70122-90.05886166730.021680069
5518 Wildair Dr70122-90.06723533330.01553625
2761 Vienna St70122-90.04768965530.020919603
3312 - 3314 Clematis St70122-90.0510304429.993077471
6222 - 6224 Wainwright St70122-90.06794156830.022565141
2211 Florida Ave70122-90.05643303629.98616786
5115 Music St70122-90.05433260930.010707698
1267 Milton St70122-90.08113433129.99580152
3722 St Bernard Ave70122-90.07910439529.995378136
2780 Bay St70122-90.04524256929.992946222
2651 Verbena St70122-90.04875633230.000393634
3119 Deers St70122-90.04684166729.990997971
4314 Annette St70122-90.06577949930.002032371
4103 Rayne Dr70122-90.07186715429.999341697
4108 Rayne Dr70122-90.07217170129.999041352
538 Warrington Dr70122-90.06875832730.003732062
2828 Franklin Ave70122-90.04950960329.987953
3323 Frenchmen St70122-90.0598053529.992370035
6065 Wickfield Dr70122-90.06879387530.021067924
1916 mirabeau Ave70122-90.06658495730.007480584
3627 Alfred St70122-90.07901191829.994281327
5152 Music St70122-90.05490785130.011222187
1772 Carnot St70122-90.07011796330.005258534
2112 Mirabeau Ave70122-90.06189236230.007575987
3905 Paris Ave70122-90.07322292429.997220708
5804 Baccich St70122-90.04841626930.01893388
6247 Bellaire Dr70124-90.12128758530.005482452
5669 Catina St70124-90.11431445229.993731946
124 26th St70124-90.11647814730.006230177
6248 Bellaire Dr70124-90.12189516730.005011738
1218 - 1220 S Salcedo St70125-90.10112917129.956124661
2718 S Dorgenois St70125-90.09920768929.949642401
3711 S Galvez St70125-90.10046719129.945415522
1502 - 1504 S White St70125-90.10017721329.952623384
2428 Rex St70125-90.09289200629.945221923
6110 Campus Blvd70126-90.04525000230.021908921
6422 Pauline Dr70126-90.03696249730.026157471
3133 Metropolitan St70126-90.03632772329.989744565
3716 Metropolitan St70126-90.03581063929.996936847
7450 Mayo Rd70126-90.00597738230.034038226
3842 Louisa St70126-90.03534029729.998481569
4942 Rhodes Dr70126-90.00135594330.020931118
3316 Feliciana St70126-90.03797597529.992106712
3413 Clouet St70126-90.03630256929.99288829
4030 St Ferdinand St70126-90.04121542930.000838624
4763 Deanne St70126-90.02013347530.017785566
4663 Camelia St70126-90.00360671730.016346464
4365 America St70126-90.00890288930.014178695
4347 Dale St70126-90.00985385230.013802094
7851 S Coronet Ct70126-89.99789286430.026162294
4039 Athis Ct70126-90.04532980530.018979502
6066 Madrid Ct70126-90.04555788330.021899505
2755 Edna St70126-90.04127640229.993347423
7108 - 7110 Dreux Ave70126-90.00456305630.017758195
7100 Foch St70126-90.0200595830.024515723
5075 Debore Dr70126-90.03393642130.014745255
6654 Curran Rd70126-90.01594037130.032868877
2815 Clouet St70126-90.03824781529.986479265
4938 Pecan St70126-90.00358076330.020345343
7858 N Coronet Ct70126-89.99792070430.026689279
5886 Old Gentilly Rd70126-90.02014761330.007001944
7710 - 7716 Service Rd70126-90.00098461130.027290305
4788 Charlene Dr70127-89.98409524330.021650506
8651 - 8653 Gervais St70127-89.99561574230.040858184
8941 - 8943 Gervais St70127-89.99268433230.042117303
7531 Pine Ridge Dr70128-89.94698265230.064778394