DHS Seal - FEMA    
FEMA Section 106 Notices for Louisiana
"Request for Suggestions to Offset Adverse Effect to Historic Properties
FEMA-Funded Water Tower Project at S&WB Water Treatment Facility in the Carrollton Neighborhood
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FEMA Department of Homeland Security Seal

Request for Suggestions to Offset Adverse Effect to Historic Properties
FEMA-Funded Water Tower Project at S&WB Water Treatment Facility in the Carrollton Neighborhood

Proposed water towers projected from Claiborne Avenue & Eagle Street facing south. Image created using Google Earth.
The Sewerage and Water Board of New Orleans (S&WB) has requested FEMA funding for upgrades to water distribution facilities.1 The upgrades will reduce the occurrence of the damaging "water hammer" effect, the abrupt surge in water pressure caused by pump shut-downs when there is a power loss or power surge. The upgrade that affects the Carrollton National Register (NR) Historic District will be the two elevated water tanks (towers), up to 200' high with a capacity of 2 million gallons, at the Carrollton Water Treatment Facility, see illustration above. The tower shown in the foreground of the illustration will be constructed in the visitors' parking lot at the main entrance on S. Claiborne Avenue. The second tower, visible in the background on the left side of the illustration, will be constructed inside the Carrollton facility near Leonidas Street between Sycamore and Panola Streets.

Construction of the "Water Hammer" project will not begin until the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers' Southeast Louisiana Urban Flood Damage Reduction Project on Claiborne Avenue is completed. S&WB is planning to minimize the effect of construction activities on the neighborhood. This plan will include monitoring vibration, directing truck routes, and setting hours of construction.

Federal regulations require FEMA, as the funding agency, to resolve the visual adverse effects to the historic district2 of the water towers in part by creating measures that will provide long-term public benefit focusing on the Carrollton NR Historic District and the S&WB Water Treatment Plants. This is where FEMA is requesting your assistance with gathering ideas and suggestions.

Do you have any ideas for measures that will provide long-term public benefits to the Carrollton NR Historic District and the neighborhood around the S&WB Water Treatment Plant? One example is a historical marker, do you have ideas for a marker that would fit well with the neighborhood, or any topics that you would like to see on a marker? Other examples are painting schemes for the water towers or any research you would like to see about the Carrollton NR Historic District or the S&WB Water Treatment Plant. FEMA encourages you to be creative.

FEMA will take these ideas and suggestions and consider them when formulating a plan for offsetting the adverse effect to historic properties for this project. FEMA is working with several parties, including the State Historic Preservation Office and the Sewerage and Water Board to select a reasonable plan. Your suggestion will provide valued input to this process but FEMA will not be adopting all ideas.

Comments can be posted at: http://www.crt.state.la.us/culturalassets/fema106/
Or mailed to: FEMA Mail Center/Historic Preservation
1500 Main Street
Baton Rouge, LA 70802

Post your comments soon - all comments must be posted or postmarked by February 10, 2015 - FEMA has extended the comment period to March 25, 2015.


1The high winds and heavy rains of Hurricanes Katrina and the subsequent widespread flooding damaged many buildings in Orleans Parish, LA. In the aftermath of the hurricane, the FEMA is issuing this public notice as part of its responsibilities under the Advisory Council on Historic Preservation's regulations, 36 CFR Part 800, implementing Section 106 of the National Historic Preservation Act of 1966, as amended (NHPA). This notice applies to activities carried out by the Public Assistance (PA) program implemented under the authority of the Robert T. Stafford Disaster Relief and Emergency Assistance Act, 42 U.S.C.§§5152-5206.

2FEMA is required to follow the Council of Environmental Quality (CEQ) regulations (NEPA regulations, 43 FR 55978 [1978]) that provide policy and procedures to enable FEMA officials to be informed of and take into account environmental considerations when authorizing or approving major FEMA actions that may significantly affect the environment of the United States. It is the intent of NEPA that federal agencies encourage and facilitate public involvement to the extent practicable in decisions that may affect the quality of the environment. More information on NEPA and FEMA's Alternative Arrangements process can be found on FEMA's web page at: https://www.fema.gov/new-orleans-metropolitan-area-infrastructure-projects-6