FEMA Section 106 Notices for Louisiana
"Federal Emergency Management AgencySemi-Annual Report on the Louisiana Hazard Mitigation Grant Program Programmatic Agreement (LA HMGP PA) Louisiana Recovery Office" | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
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Reporting Stipulation XV.B.i: The number of residential properties funded under Programmatic Treatment Measures to date Projects funded under Programmatic Treatment Measures (PTM) include HMGP Limited Exception properties (including Pre-Effective Date and Grace Period Undertakings), Post-Grace Period Undertakings, and all residential properties submitted via Large-Scale Sub-Grantee applications. The total number of projects funded under PTM as of July 8, 20141 is 9,604.
1FEMA is unable to report on projects funded after July 8, 2014. The data for the remaining reporting period will be captured in a future report.
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Reporting Stipulation XV.B.ii: The number of non-residential properties that went through the Standard Review process The Standard Review process applies to Undertakings submitted through traditional applications, which include residential properties, commercial properties, private non-profit properties and all public properties that do not meet the criteria to be considered Pre-Effective date Undertakings or Archaeological Exclusion properties. The Standard Review is used for Undertakings that do not meet the Programmatic Allowances set forth in the LA HMGP PA. FEMA HP reviewed a total of 4 Undertakings for non-residential properties using the Standard Review Process between August 1, 2014 and January 31, 2015. Reporting Stipulation XV.B.iii: Adverse effects or potential adverse effects addressed through Standard Treatment Measures (STM) or project-specific Memorandum of Agreements (MOA). Note this applies to STM and/or MOA executed during the reporting period. No STM and/or MOA executed during the reporting period. Stipulation XV.B.iv: Summary of public input and outreach measures Per Stipulation XV.D, FEMA posted the July 31, 2014 Semi-Annual Report to the CRT website between July 31 and August 11, 2014 for public review and comment. SHPO provided comments that were incorporated into an updated version of the report. See reporting under Stipulation XV.B.v for more information on the Programmatic Treatment Measures associated with Community Education and Outreach Measures (Stipulation XII.D.2). Reporting Stipulation XV.B.v: Summary of the execution of Standard Treatment Measures (STM), Programmatic Treatment Measures (PTM), and treatments under any project-specific Memorandums of Agreement FEMA acted to fulfill treatment measures as described in MOA, STM and PTM to mitigate adverse effects to historic properties through the following activities:
The Bayou Yscloskey MOA has been completed. FEMA sent a letter detailing FEMA's actions to fulfill the terms of the MOA to all consulting parties on December 30, 2014. All artifacts from this project were curated with the State of Louisiana on January 15, 2015.
FEMA is currently addressing adverse effects to historic properties through implementation of the 1st Amended Memorandum of Agreement Among FEMA, the City of New Orleans, Louisiana State Historic Preservation Officer of the Department of Culture, Recreation & Tourism, and the Advisory Council on Historic Preservation Regarding the Elevation/Wind Retrofit of Residential Structures, Orleans Parish, LA (CNO-Elevations MOA as amended_ NEMIS #1603-0073 & #1607-0107. FEMA produces a separate report regarding the execution of all treatment measures resulting from the CNO-Elevations MOA as amended per Stipulation I.I of this agreement.
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FEMA and GOHSEP addressed some adverse effects to historic properties through PTM and the following outline summarizes these efforts during the reporting period and/or to date:
PTM, Stipulation XII.D.1, SHPO Liaison Position
All actions completed and described in previous report.
PTM, Stipulation XII.D.2.a, Community Education, Outreach & Preservation Workshops for Built Environment and Archaeology Programs
The Interagency Agreement between GOHSEP and SHPO is active and has been in effect since August 2012.
Activity #1: Community Education, Outreach and Preservation Workshops for the Built Environment: The Historic Preservation Public Workshops have been completed. Mitigated Virtual Demonstration Home: The Division of Historic Preservation Staff within SHPO is progressing on the "Mitigation Virtual Demonstration Home" booklet, web content and video. Contract negotiations were finalized with the National Center for Preservation Technology & Training and Northwestern State University to complete the Virtual Mitigation Booklet deliverable. Activity #2: Community Education, Outreach & Preservation for Archaeology: Task #1: Web-Based Framework: The Division of Archaeology staff has completed the web-based framework. Webpage user evaluations have been conducted. The web portal and first webpage, Poverty Point, was completed. Fully functional drafts of websites for both the Marksville and Bailey's Dam sites have been completed by the preparer, along with PDF copies and are currently being analyzed by the internal review panel. A site visit to Marksville was done in order to take photographs of the site's features, which are being used on the Marksville website. Task #2: Teaching Materials: The structure and much of the content along with key contacts have been identified to provide the Archaeology teachers curriculum and modules. Meetings were conducted with teachers regarding this project and also to provide answers to a survey questionnaire that was designed by the Archaeologist. The survey was used on selected teachers of middle school social studies who have provided feedback on potential archaeology modules, and analysis was done regarding those responses. Determined that teachers would like to have suggested activities and assessments for each module, and the best medium to use for the modules is PowerPoint. Of the six modules, it was determined to begin with a general module on archaeology and archaeologists, meant as an introduction to the series. Subsequent modules are planned to complement various chapters of Louisiana studies as well as the websites to introduce the targeted archaeology sites into the classroom as follows: Archaeology and Archaeologists, Prehistoric Louisiana, Poverty Point World Heritage Site, Colonial Louisiana, Civil War Louisiana, and Poverty and Progress in Louisiana. Task #3: KnowLA Information: All essay topics have been determined, including documentation of appropriate length and the compliance/standards requirements. An essay on Louisiana prehistory has been completed; eight drafts have been written and undergone extensive review. Six additional essays have been started, including one that near completion.
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PTM, Stipulation XII.D.2.b, Update State Multi-hazard Mitigation Plan to include information on cultural resources and historic preservation topics.
The 2014 State Hazard Mitigation Plan Update was approved by FEMA on April 2, 2014 and will expire April 1, 2019. All information contained in the cultural and historic preservation appendix to the 2011 Plan was inserted into the appropriate places throughout the new Plan. The 2014 State Hazard Mitigation Plan can be viewed at: http://www.getagameplan.org.
PTM, Stipulation XII.D.3, Analysis and Reporting of Existing Archaeological Collections for Outreach Materials
All actions completed and described in previous report.
PTM, Stipulation XII.D.4.a, Digitization of Standing Structures Surveys and National Register Files
All actions completed and described in previous report.
PTM, Stipulation XII.D.4.b, Resurvey Existing National Register Historic Districts
All actions completed and described in previous report.
PTM, Stipulation XII.D.4.c, Prepare National Register District Nomination for Edgewood Park
Edgewood Park Historic District was listed on the National Register of Historic Places on September 24, 2014.
PTM, Stipulation XII.D.4.d, Archaeological Testing of Parks
All actions completed and described in previous report.
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