Federal Emergency Management Agency
Semi-Annual Report on the Louisiana Hazard Mitigation Grant Program Programmatic Agreement (LA HMGP PA)
Louisiana Recovery Office
January 31, 2016
Environmental/Historic Preservation Section
Federal Emergency Management Agency
1500 Main Street
Baton Rouge, LA 70802
FFEMA is providing this report pursuant to Stipulation XV of the Louisiana State-Specific Programmatic Agreement Among the Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA); Louisiana Governor's Office of Homeland Security and Emergency Preparedness (GOHSEP);Louisiana State Historic Preservation Officer of the Department of Culture Recreation & Tourism (SHPO); Alabama-Coushatta Tribe of Texas (ACTT); Chitimacha Tribe of Louisiana (CTL); Choctaw Nation of Oklahoma (CNO); Jena Band of Choctaw Indians (JBCI); Mississippi Band of Choctaw Indians (MBCI);Seminole Tribe of Florida (STF); and the Advisory Council on Historic Preservation (ACHP) Regarding FEMA's Hazard Mitigation Grant Program (LA HMGP PA), executed January 31st, 2011 and amended January 28, 2016. The amendment extends the duration one year to January 31, 2017, allows a grace period for the bi-annual reporting and acknowledges that the State of Louisiana has transferred all FEMA HMGP related oversight and management from the Office of Community Development to GOHSEP.
FEMA sent an original signed copy of the 1st Amendment of the LA HMGP PA to the ACHP on January 28, 2016 requesting signature. At the time of this transmittal, the 1st Amendment LA HMGP PA had been signed by FEMA, SHPO and GOHSEP (as Invited Signatory). Since transmittal to ACHP, the Choctaw Nation of Oklahoma has signed the 1st Amendment LA HMGP PA as a Concurring Party. FEMA is in contact with and expects to receive signatures from the Preservation Resource Center, Calcasieu Parish, Jefferson Parish, St. Tammany Parish, and the Chitimacha of Louisiana, all Concurring Parties.
Tribes that are recognized as Participating Tribes in the document and have not yet signed the 1st Amendment LA HMGP PA include: The Alabama-Coushatta Tribe of Texas (ACTT), the Jena Band of Choctaw Indians (JBCI), the Mississippi Band of Choctaw Indians (MBCI), and the Seminole Tribe of Florida (STF). These Tribes are consulted per the terms of the LA HMGP PA.
FEMA is producing this Semi-Annual Report in accordance with Stipulation XV, and contains updates for the Grantee per Stipulation III.A.7 and Stipulation VII.C.
In Accordance with Stipulation XV.C, FEMA is providing Consulting Parties 30 days to comment on the Semi-Annual Report. Comments should be addressed to Gail Lazaras via e-mail at gail.lazaras@fema.dhs.gov or via phone at 504-715-6076. If any relevant comments are received, FEMA may convene a meeting or telephone conference call of the Consulting Parties to discuss these comments within 60 days of submittal. If it is determined that a meeting is necessary, FEMA will further notify Consulting Parties.
The information provided in this report is applicable to the reporting time period of August 1, 2015 through January 31, 2016 unless otherwise noted. The summary data was extracted from internal tracking databases maintained by FEMA's Environmental and Historic Preservation Section and HMGP Program as well as tracking sources from the Office of Community Development.
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FEMA continues to work with GOHSEP to obligate funds for Louisiana's hazard mitigation projects so that all work is complete in 2019.
Stipulation II.G: Update to Contact Information
Updates to contact information are included in Attachment A.
Stipulation VI: Programmatic Allowances
In this reporting period, FEMA completed review for 2 Undertakings utilizing the Programmatic Allowances in Appendix C of the LA HMGP PA.
Stipulation IX: Section 106 review procedures specific to archaeological historic properties, also known as Archaeological Exclusion Properties (AEXP)
AEXP are defined as properties located within, adjacent to, or within 100 meters of the boundaries of an archaeological site recorded with SHPO and that is previously determined as NR-eligible or of undetermined eligibility. No properties were reviewed using this stipulation in the reporting period.
Reporting Stipulation XV.B.i: The number of residential properties funded under Programmatic Treatment Measures to date
Projects funded under Programmatic Treatment Measures (PTM) include HMGP Limited Exception properties (including Pre-Effective Date and Grace Period Undertakings), Post-Grace Period Undertakings, and all residential properties submitted via Large-Scale Sub-Grantee applications. The total number of projects funded under PTM as of January 21, 20161 is 9,672, an increase of 64 from a half year ago.
1FEMA is unable to report on projects funded after July 8, 2014. The data for the remaining reporting period will be captured in a future report.
Reporting Stipulation XV.B.ii: The number of non-residential properties that went through the Standard Review process
The Standard Review process applies to Undertakings submitted through traditional applications, which include residential properties, commercial properties, private non-profit properties and all public properties that do not meet the criteria to be considered Pre-Effective date Undertakings or Archaeological Exclusion properties. The Standard Review is used for Undertakings that do not meet the Programmatic Allowances set forth in the LA HMGP PA. FEMA HP reviewed a total of 9 Undertakings for non-residential properties using the Standard Review Process for this review period.
Reporting Stipulation XV.B.iii: Adverse effects or potential adverse effects addressed through Standard Treatment Measures (STM) or project-specific Memorandum of Agreements (MOA). Note this applies to STM and/or MOA executed during the reporting period.
FEMA has determined the construction of swale and retention pond on the campus of Dillard University will result in adverse effects to historic properties. FEMA's determination to resolve the adverse effects through STMs per Stipulation X was submitted to SHPO, Participating Tribes and other potentially interested parties on January 20, 2016. SHPO concurred in a letter dated January 22, 2016 and there was no objection from any Tribe or input from any other party.
1FEMA is unable to report on projects funded after January 21, 2016. The data for the remaining reporting period will be captured in a future report.
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Stipulation XV.B.iv: Summary of public input and outreach measures
Per Stipulation X, FEMA requested public input on ways to avoid, minimize and/or mitigate adverse effect of the drainage construction at Dillard University by posting to the CRT website between January 22 and February 9, 2016, no comments were received.
Reporting Stipulation XV.B.v: Summary of the execution of Standard Treatment Measures (STM), Programmatic Treatment Measures (PTM), and treatments under any project-specific Memorandums of Agreement
FEMA acted to fulfill treatment measures as described in MOA, STM and PTM to mitigate adverse effects to historic properties through the following activities:
FEMA is currently addressing adverse effects to historic properties through implementation of the 1st Amended Memorandum of Agreement Among FEMA, the City of New Orleans, Louisiana State Historic Preservation Officer of the Department of Culture, Recreation & Tourism, and the Advisory Council on Historic Preservation Regarding the Elevation/Wind Retrofit of Residential Structures, Orleans Parish, LA (CNO-Elevations MOA as amended_ NEMIS #1603-0073 & #1607-0107. FEMA produces a separate report regarding the execution of all treatment measures resulting from the CNO-Elevations MOA as amended per Stipulation I.I of this agreement.
STM, S&WB Power House, Treatment Measure 2; Photography
FEMA is currently processing recordation photos and plans to produce the narrative history and archive the recordation package in this calendar year.
STM, Dillard University Drainage; Photography
FEMA plans to go onsite to complete photography and to produce the narrative history and archive the recordation package for Dillard University in this calendar year
FEMA and GOHSEP addressed some adverse effects to historic properties through PTM. As detailed below, all deliverables have been completed.
PTM, Stipulation XII.D.1, SHPO Liaison Position
All actions completed and described in previous report.
PTM, Stipulation XII.D.2.a, Community Education, Outreach & Preservation Workshops for Built Environment and Archaeology Programs
The Interagency Agreement between GOHSEP and SHPO is active and has been in effect since August 2012.
Activity #1: Community Education, Outreach and Preservation Workshops for the Built Environment: All actions completed and described in previous report.
Mitigated Virtual Demonstration Home: All actions completed and described in previous report.
Activity #2: Community Education, Outreach & Preservation for Archaeology:
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Task #1: Web-Based Framework: All webpages have been finalized and posted on the Division of Archaeology website. They can be accessed at www.crt.la.gov/DiscoverArchaeology (select Interactive Exhibits).
Task #2 Teaching Modules: All of the Archaeology teaching modules have been finalized and posted on the Division of Archaeology's website. They can be accessed at www.crt.la.gov/DiscoverArchaeology (select Teaching Materials, then PowerPoint Presentations). Each module includes a PowerPoint presentation and an accompanying Teacher's Guide.
Task #3 KnowLA Information: All essays have been provided to the Louisiana Endowment for the Humanities (LEH). LEH recently revamped the name, functionality, and URL for its online encyclopedia. It is now called Know Louisiana and the archaeology essays ultimately will be accessible at www.knowlouisiana.org (select Encyclopedia). The archaeology essays are not yet posted, the Division of Archaeology expects them to be posted as a group, after completion of final review for consistency and style, and finalization of links, images, and image permissions. The Division of Archaeology will provide an update when the essays are "live."
PTM, Stipulation XII.D.2.b, Update State Multi-hazard Mitigation Plan to include information on cultural resources and historic preservation topics.
All actions completed and described in previous report.
PTM, Stipulation XII.D.3, Analysis and Reporting of Existing Archaeological Collections for Outreach Materials
All actions completed and described in previous report.
PTM, Stipulation XII.D.4.a, Digitization of Standing Structures Surveys and National Register Files
All actions completed and described in previous report.
PTM, Stipulation XII.D.4.b, Resurvey Existing National Register Historic Districts
All actions completed and described in previous report.
PTM, Stipulation XII.D.4.c, Prepare National Register District Nomination for Edgewood Park
All actions completed and described in previous report.
PTM, Stipulation XII.D.4.d, Archaeological Testing of Parks
All actions completed and described in previous report.
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