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FEMA Section 106 Notices for Louisiana
"Public Notice NHPA1 Seeking Public Comment for FEMA-funded Elevation of 20 Residential Buildings in New Orleans, LA"
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FEMA Department of Homeland Security Seal

Public Notice NHPA1 Seeking Public Comment for FEMA-funded Elevation of 20 Residential Buildings in New Orleans, LA

Figure 1. Aerial location map
Figure 1. Aerial location map.
Figure 2. Buildings proposed to be elevated.
Figure 2. Buildings proposed to be elevated.
As part of FEMA's Flood Mitigation Assistance Grant Program, the City of New Orleans is requesting that FEMA provide funds to elevate 20 historic residential buildings located at 3217 Baudin Street, 3720 D'Hemecourt Street, 2533 Jefferson Avenue, 4 Neron Place, 813-815 North Dupre Street, 217 North Jefferson Davis Parkway, 2721-2723, 2830-2832, 3112, and 3240 Octavia Street, 3228-3230 and 3510-3512 Palmyra Street, 3121 Pauger Street, 3200 Saint Peter Street, 1835 South Dupre Street, 210 South Lopez Street, 231-233 South Pierce Street, 4323 South Roman Street, 4926 South Tonti Street, and 2620-2622 State Street.

Section 106 of the National Historic Preservation Act (NHPA) requires FEMA, as the funding agency, to determine if any of the properties are historic (listed in or eligible for listing on the National Register of Historic Places (NRHP); to assess the effects the project will have on historic properties; to seek ways to avoid, minimize, or mitigate any adverse effects to historic properties; and to evaluate the proposed action's potential for significant impacts to the human and natural environment.

The properties in this project are historic; 19 are within the NRHP listed Broadmoor, Carrollton, Esplanade, Mid-City, or Uptown Historic Districts; and one is individually listed on the NRHP. FEMA has determined the proposed elevations may have adverse effects on the historic properties and/or the NRHP listed districts they are located within. Treatment measures entailing design review and photograph recordation will be implemented before and after the buildings are elevated.

No intact archaeological deposits are anticipated as all work will occur within the footprint of the buildings.

Any member of the public is encouraged to provide views on how the project may affect historic properties and ways that these effects may be avoided, minimized, or mitigated. To help develop a course of action for this project, FEMA is requesting your input by May 11, 2020 on ways to avoid or minimize effects of this project on the historic property and any ideas on how to mitigate the adverse effects.

Comments can be posted at this website: https://www.crt.state.la.us/dataprojects/culturalassets/fema106/

Or email comments to: FEMA-LIRO-EHP-HMA@FEMA.DHS.GOV

1The Flood Mitigation Assistance Grant (FMA) Program is authorized by Section 1366 of the National Flood Insurance Act of 1968, as amended with the goal of reducing or eliminating claims under the National Flood Insurance Program (NFIP). FMA provides funding to states, territories, federally-recognized Tribes and local communities for projects and planning that reduces or eliminates long-term risk of flood damage to structures insured under the NFIP. , FEMA is issuing this public notice as part of its responsibilities under the Advisory Council on Historic Preservation's regulations, 36 CFR Part 800, implementing Section 106 of the National Historic Preservation Act of 1966, as amended (NHPA). This notice applies to activities carried out by the Public Assistance program implemented under the authority of the Robert T. Stafford Disaster Relief and Emergency Assistance Act, 42 U.S.C.§§5152-5206.