DHS Seal - FEMA    
FEMA Section 106 Notices for Louisiana
"Public Notice Regarding Historic Review of Privately-Owned Residential Buildings Proposed for Demolition in Orleans Parish, Louisiana - Buildings Eligible for the National Register"
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FEMA Department of Homeland Security Seal

Public Notice Regarding Historic Review of Privately-Owned Residential Buildings Proposed for Demolition in Orleans Parish, Louisiana - Buildings Eligible for the National Register

Regarding those buildings proposed for demolition that FEMA, in consultation with SHPO, has found eligible for the National Register, FEMA is requesting the aid of the public in identifying alternatives to demolition. Any member of the public who has specific practical information on feasible alternatives to demolition for any of these buildings is encouraged to respond. Alternative proposals should include a source of funding for stabilization and/or repairs and the timeframe required to accomplish these actions.

For a list of the property addresses and to suggest specific alternatives to demolition, see the map and address list below. This information will be accepted for a 15-day period beginning on Tuesday, January 30, 2007. Comments should be submitted to FEMA at the website or by regular mail to:

FEMA Algiers TRO
5th Floor, Historic Preservation
1 Seine Court
New Orleans, LA 70114

If mailed, comments must be physically received at this address by February 14, 2007.

Location of Buildings Not Eligible for the National Register

Street Number Street Direction Street Name Latitude Longitude
1501-03 Baronne Street29.940405236-90.078062791
1505-07 Baronne Street29.940329664-90.078191478
3535 Delachaise Street29.946022818-90.100292044
4020 Elba Street29.950998347-90.102239169
3701-03 General Taylor Street29.947003786-90.101729229
7827-29 Hickory Street29.950008152-90.123226000
4751 Lafaye Street30.008142591-90.048698011
2212-14 Marengo Street29.932990542-90.099307104
2115 Music Street29.979497703-90.051716970
1013-15NorthDerbigny Street29.967411684-90.072037580
314NorthGayoso Street29.969726141-90.088581754
2308-10NorthNorth Johnson Street29.977810158-90.054750121
1002-04NorthNorth Prieur Street29.968368268-90.073803867
1009NorthNorth Roman Street29.967934276-90.072910911
533-35SouthSouth Alexander Street29.972741204-90.107987930
315SouthSouth Clark Street29.968622382-90.096959036
2011SouthSouth Dupre Street29.949510594-90.103940474
4205SouthSouth Prieur Street29.943390022-90.101668037
1818SouthSouth Salcedo Street29.951868180-90.104515214
1824SouthSouth Salcedo Street29.951735726-90.104632880
407SouthSouth Telemachus Street29.969145222-90.099386221