The Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA) will be providing funds to the Recovery School District (RSD) for the
renovation of the Andrew H. Wilson Elementary School, 3617 General Pershing Street, New Orleans, located within the
boundaries of the Broadmoor National Register Historic District. The school occupies the city block bounded on the
west by General Pershing Street, on the north by South Tonti Street, on the east by Milan Street, and on the south
by South Miro Street. This project was selected by RSD as a Quick Start School.
RSD proposes to rehabilitate the three-story Main Building designed by E.A. Christy. The Main Building was
constructed in 1922 and is identified as landmark building within the Broadmoor National Register Historic District.
RSD also proposes to demolish the historic, one-story Annex Building constructed in the 1930's and the covered
breezeway to construct a 40,000 square foot addition to the main building. The demolition of the Annex Building and
the breezeway will adversely affect the Wilson School. The treatment of the historic, c.1920 Gatekeeper's Lodge and
its associated privy has not been determined, but it is likely that these buildings will be demolished. The
demolition of the Gatekeeper's Lodge and privy will also adversely affect the Wilson School.
RSD has developed conceptual plans for the proposed new addition and the rehabilitation of the historic Main
Building. The conceptual floor plans and three aerial schematic drawings are included in this notice.
Proposed Plan - Fisrt Level
Proposed Plan - Second Level
Proposed Plan - Third Level
Simulated Aerial View - from SE
Simulated Aerial View - from SW
Simulated Aerial View - from SW
Wilson School Main Building
Wilson School Annex
Wilson School Gate keepers Lodge
FEMA is initiating a Section 106 review required by the National Historic Preservation Act to develop a Memorandum of Agreement that will address the effects of this Federally-funded undertaking and is soliciting public comments on the proposed action, including the rehabilitation of the Main School building; the proposed demolition of the Annex, breezeway, Gatekeeper's Lodge, and privy; and the conceptual plans for the construction of the addition. FEMA is requesting public input on measures that should be considered during the Section 106 consultation to offset the adverse effect. FEMA will also consider written requests by parties with an interest in the historic preservation issues associated with this project to participate in the development of the Memorandum of Agreement.
FEMA Algiers TRO
Attn: Lee Wyma
5th Floor, Historic Preservation
1 Seine Court
New Orleans, LA 70114
If mailed, comments must be physically received at this address by December 3, 2007.