(2) FEMA, in consultation with the SHPO, seeks to determine if additional privately owned residential buildings proposed for
demolition by the City of New Orleans are eligible for listing in the National Register of Historic Places under Criterion A
(associated with events that have made a significant contribution to the broad patterns of our history) or Criterion B
(associated with the lives of persons significant in our past) and is requesting the aid of the public in this identification
effort. Any member of the public who has specific, documented evidence of a property's association with events or persons
significant in local, state, or national history is encouraged to provide this information to FEMA.
For a list of the addresses and to comment on the historic significance of the buildings, visit
www.crt.state.la.us/culturalassets/fema106. Comments can be submitted to FEMA for a 15-day period beginning on Tuesday,
February 26, 2008 at the above website or by regular mail to:
FEMA Algiers TRO
5th Floor, Historic Preservation
1 Seine Court
New Orleans, LA 70114
If mailed, comments must be physically received at this address by March 11, 2008.
2728 | | 4th Street | 70113 | 29.94114000 | -90.09244000 |
1516 | | Andry Street | 70117 | 29.96625000 | -90.01717000 |
1523 | | Andry Street | 70117 | 29.96627000 | -90.01695000 |
24471 | | Chef Mentuer Highway | 70129 | 30.12220100 | -89.76411000 |
7127 | | Deanne Street | 70126 | 30.02442000 | -90.02271000 |
1224-1226 | | Forstall Street | 70117 | 29.96403000 | -90.02090000 |
1342 | | Forstall Street | 70117 | 29.96539000 | -90.02048000 |
1915 | | Lizardi Street (Floater) | 70117 | 29.97066000 | -90.01774000 |
2909-11 | | Louisiana Avenue | 70115 | 29.94024000 | -90.09710000 |
7910 | | Mayo Boulevard | 70126 | 30.03771000 | -90.00722000 |
10102 | | Old Gentilly Road | 70127 | 30.01436000 | -89.96720000 |
4346 | West | Poche Court | 70129 | 30.02803000 | -89.92417000 |
1500 | | Riviera Avenue | 70122 | 30.00876000 | -90.07647000 |
2724-2726 | | Urquhart Street | 70117 | 29.97054000 | -90.04800000 |