Les Tables Françaises se réunissent aux Festivals Acadiens & Créoles 2024! // French Tables are meeting at Festivals Acadiens & Créoles 2024!
[For the regular French Tables calendar, keep scrolling - it's still below!]
AYOÙ? // Where is the Tente Française at the Festival?
Map of  French Tent location at Festivals Acadiens
It's in the northeast corner of the park, between the mainstage (#1, Scène Ma Louisiane) and the bike corral.
ÉQUAND? // When are the tables meeting?
Here's the schedule...

SAMEDI 11h // Saturday 11am-noon : Table Française avec Ken Romero de la Table internationale sur Zoom & Marie Ducote de la Table de Broussard

SAMEDI 15h // Saturday 3pm-4pm : Table Française avec Amanda LaFleur de l’Atelier de la Table Française

DIMANCHE 11h // Sunday 11am-noon : Table Chantante (singing table) avec Jolène Adam de la Table Chantante au Longfellow-Evangeline State Historic Site

...but you can always pass by at another time.  There might be an impromptu meeting of French speakers just catching a bit of rest in the shade, and we'll have informational materials available about French Tables, learning resources, a community language survey and more!

QUI? // Who can come by the Tente Française?
Tout quelqu'un! Anyone who wants to speak some French or Creole!  From beginning learners to native speakers, whether they're locals or visitors.

Please note: These events are not necessarily CODOFIL functions. This calendar is a collection of events CODOFIL considers to be in the spirit of our mandate to celebrate to promote Francophone culture in Louisiana. Please contact the event organizers with any questions.

Have an event you think belongs on the calendar? Please contact mjustus@crt.la.gov with the details.

IMPORTANT: With all the disruptions we have experienced in the past few years, it would be wise to check the details in advance with the organizer of the table (his/her contact, if available, is in the entry) or with Marguerite (mjustus@crt.la.gov). 

French Tables are great places to practice listening and speaking, but if you're feeling like you need to solidify the basics or simply brush up on your skills before attending, check out our learner's website:

Learn French Logo
Our "Learn French" site has some resources in Kouri-Vini/Louisiana Creole, but if you're interested in online resources for learning Kouri-Vini, the Creole language of Louisiana, we recommend you visit the website of the nonprofit Chinbo, Inc.

©2024 Louisiana Department of Culture, Recreation and Tourism