SAMEDI 11h // Saturday 11am-noon : Table Française avec Ken Romero de la Table internationale sur Zoom & Marie Ducote de la Table de Broussard
SAMEDI 15h // Saturday 3pm-4pm : Table Française avec Amanda LaFleur de l’Atelier de la Table Française
DIMANCHE 11h // Sunday 11am-noon : Table Chantante (singing table) avec Jolène Adam de la Table Chantante au Longfellow-Evangeline State Historic Site
Please note: These events are not necessarily CODOFIL functions. This calendar is a collection of events CODOFIL considers to be in the spirit of our mandate to celebrate to promote Francophone culture in Louisiana. Please contact the event organizers with any questions.
Have an event you think belongs on the calendar? Please contact with the details.IMPORTANT: With all the disruptions we have experienced in the past few years, it would be wise to check the details in advance with the organizer of the table (his/her contact, if available, is in the entry) or with Marguerite (